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Koffin Kats: Born of the Motor

Born of the Motor

(Koffin Kats)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Over the years the Koffin Kats have had a considerable amount of line-up changes, but with this years Born Of The Motor the band proves they don’t rock any less then they previously have. 
Born of the Motor features twelve new tunes that carry on the tradition of Psychobilly music with a lot of attitude, fast songs, and stories ranging from every day life to some semi-Horrorbilly teetering. 
Driving down the street in my car I had the windows rolled down and got everything from thumbs up to serious wtf expressions from people I either passed or rolled up next too. Is it Elvis, is it The Rev, is it some throwback album from the 50’s? I’m sure I had them guessing as I peeled away. 
Personally I loved the sound. It was a bit lighter then stuff like the Hellbillies and a bit more traditional sounding then Horton but in the mix I found small traces of familiarity that boosted the original sound into a nostalgic front for me. A few particular tracks reminded me of Morrissey’s KROQ visit for his Kill Uncle album. Of course Morrissey didn’t rock as hard as they guys, but vocals were similar in some of the more lax tunes. 
Either way the Koffin Kats Born of the Motor supplied me with some good old fashioned Psychobilly fun that I haven’t enjoyed in awhile. Very glad to have been picked for this album and hope it breaks waves as the band continues to tour hard and play hard. Well worth checking out. 
AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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