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Life Below Zero

Life Below Zero

Regular Air Date: 
Thursday @ 9PM ET
Air Date: 
Thursday, April 17, 2014

National Geographic specializes in TV shows about things that you've never really thought about until coming across their show. Life Below Zero is just such a show, and it returns for a second season on April 17th.

They say:

Life Below Zero follows seven people as they battle for the most basic necessities in the state with the lowest population density in the United States. Living at the ends of the world's loneliest roads and subsisting off the rugged Alaskan bush, they battle whiteout snow storms, man-eating carnivores, questionable frozen terrain, and limited resources through a long and bitter winter. Some of them are lone wolves; others have their families beside them. All must overcome despairing odds to brave the wild and survive through to the spring. Only the mentally fit will be able to endure the extreme test of isolation and endless work required to survive the many months of winter in the Alaska bush. 

For me, the show is interesting, but, for at least the two episodes I was given for review, kind of dull. We get to watch Sue Aikens, the warden of Kavik River Camp, as she fetches water and puts her vehicles away in the garage for the winter. Though, she does tell stories... well, one story repeatedly... about how she was almost killed by a bear. Erik Salitan does his favorite things: walking around, looking at animals, climbing a hill, sitting on the edge of a mountain, and taking in the beautiful scenery. Glenn Villeneuve lives at higher altitudes and has to pick berries, roots and leaves.

On the other hand, Andy and Kate Bassich demonstrate the automatic fishing wheel they use to catch enough fish to feed themselves and their dogs for the winter. And Chip and Agnes Hailstone kill an elk and then butcher it, in graphic detail.

I suspect that the show will get more interesting and more harrowing as they march into the depths of winter, so it might be worth tuning back in for, but I might wait until it shows up on Netflix or something where I can binge watch and fast forward.

Review by Jason Pace
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