London Has Fallen (BLU-RAY)

London Has Fallen

On Blu-Ray: 
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Running Time: 
99 minutes

London Has Fallen is how action sequels should be. It’s bigger, more explosive, and overall just a much more fun film than Olympus Has Fallen. Taking over the White House is one thing, but taking over all of London is something completely different. If nothing else, the film at least reaffirms Gerard Butler’s status as an action star.



The picture quality features crisp and clear images that look especially great when there is a lot of action on screen like fiery explosions or a hail of gunfire. The sound quality is great with an audio track that is perfect for action as it captures every bullet whizzing by while still maintaining crystal-clear dialogue throughout. Overall I was rather impressed by both the picture and sound quality of the Blu-ray.



The bonus features section is quite sparse with only two features included. The good news is that two the features are rather meaty. “The Making of London Has Fallen is a 13-minute behind-the-scenes featurette that details the filmmaking process. There’s also a 7-minute featurette titled “Guns, Knives & Explosions” that further explores the action within the film. There are some overlapping elements between the two, which is disappointing since they are the only two bonus features included.


While the bonus features are lacking, the overall quality of the film itself is more than enough to recommend London Has Fallen. It’s not a perfect film, but it’s still clear to see the amount of dedication that went into delivering a solid Blu-ray release.

Matt Rodriguez
Review by Matt Rodriguez
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