Martin Turner & Friends: The Garden Party

The Garden Party

(Martin Turner & Friends)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Martin Turner was one of the co-founders of the band “Wishbone Ash,” which started in 1969. He has been working hard, continuing to make music, and performing to this current day. “The Garden Party” was a special 2012 concert where Martin performed with some of his special friends such as Ted Turner and Laurie Wisefield. The CD set contains 17 songs spanned over 2 CDs.
The whole CD set had a good classic rock vibe and the instrumentals transported you back into the past. There was also a good variety of songs and the vocals were very well done on most of the songs. I enjoyed Disc 2 a lot more because it was more up-tempo and was a lot more fun to listen to. If you are a Martin Turner or Wishbone Ash fan, this is the perfect album for you. For those reasons, I am giving “The Garden Party” a “B.”

Paul Arca
Review by Paul Arca
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