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Men At Work: The Complete First Season

Men at Work

The Complete First Season
Regular Air Date: 
Thursdays @ 10/9C
Air Date: 
Thursday, May 24, 2012
On DVD: 
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Bonus Features:

Outtakes and Deleted Scenes

Men At Work follows four friends who work at a magazine. One is a photographer, two of them are writers, and one of them is married to the bosses daughter. The friendship seems unlikely, seeing as how the guy married to the bosses daughter doesn’t quite fit in with the group, and even Danny Masterson’s character (That 70’s Show) seems a bit like a burnt out hippy type (or maybe I’m just typecasting him). Regardless, the four guys have a lot of fun cracking wise, hooking up, and misbehaving.

The series pilot begins with Masteron’s character, Milo, being dumped by his girlfriend, played by Amy Smart (Shameless). What a great first pilot. Milo is dumped, his friends sort of rally around him, we get a brief introduction to all four of the main characters, and in that short twenty something minute pilot episode we know and love the characters and look forward to whatever sort of messes they get into.

By the time you hit the second or third episode you realize the genius of having some incompatible characters united as group of friends. The plotlines are endless. Tyler (Michael Cassidy; Privileged) is pretty boy that understands nothing about women, but attracts them all the same. Neal (Adam Busch; MyMusic) is a total nerd on lockdown by the bosses daughter. Gibbs (James Lesure; Las Vegas) is a player, and Milo is just looking for love, which forces him to try and improve, while he’s waiting, in other aspects of his life.

I couldn’t help but think that if Just Shoot Me and How I Met Your Mother were somehow thrown together, this would be the result. It’s a show without a whole lot of purpose, but one that will have you laughing, and one that generates a great dose of personality from its main stars. Masterson is pretty funny, Lesure steals the show, Cassidy somehow comes off as the most real of the four, and Busch, well, his character is all about those crazy what the… moments. All together a really good time with some unforgettable comical moments that make this a great show. I highly suggest. 

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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