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Mind Enemies: The Darkest Way

The Darkest Way

(Mind Enemies)

Guitarist and lead singer Guiseppe Caruso formed Mind Enemies in 2010 and since then has been growing the band and expressing themselves through their progressive metal rock. The Darkest Way is the title of their latest EP and the four tracks included on it all feature something to love and unfortunately, something to hate as well.

Mind Enemies knows how to rock and The Darkest Way is a sublime example of that. The musical rifts and extended solos all sound awesome. There’s a decent amount of variety as well. Even though there are only four tracks, a few of them have the tendency to split off into what sounds like almost completely different songs partway through. It’s an interesting mechanic that works some of the time. Other times, it completely interrupts the music listening experience.

The biggest problem with the album, however, is the vocals. Caruso has a strong Italian accent and it can be incredibly distracting and overpower the music itself. It’s not a deal breaker as the music is more than capable of carrying the album alone, but it doesn’t provide any favors either. The Darkest Way is worth giving a listen to, though. Who knows, you may end up liking them more than myself, too.

Matt Rodriguez
Review by Matt Rodriguez
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