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Mustard Plug: Can't Contain It

Can't Contain It

(Mustard Plug)
Release Date: 
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Can't Contain It by the band Mustard Plug is their 8, yes eighth, album that the band has produced. If that's not enough let me further explain that the band is also starting their 23rd, again yes twenty-third, year as being a band. This ska-punk band was formed back in 1991 in Grand Rapids, Michigan and since then from what I can find out they have been producing records and touring. This new album was my first introduction to this band and for that first introduction I think they make for a good impression. This music is the kind of music that is listened to when someone wants to have fun, to have their mood brightened, or want to sing along with some lyrics that will pep you up.
Pep up is exactly what this music did for me when I first started listening to it and as I continued to listen to it I grew to like it more and more. Mustard Plug might be going on their 23rd year as a band but they have a youthful vibrancy to their music but skill of all those years of playing. One track in particular tells it all for this band, "We Came To Party" because the songs are very upbeat, there's a lot of energy being put into the songs, and they make you want to dance and sing along as the songs are played out. It's clear that these guys like to have fun playing their music and it comes across very clear in the music.
Some of the other noticeable parts to their music is the trumpet that's played by Brandon Jenison and the trombone of Jim Hofer. Not a unique or unheard of set of instruments to be used for bands but they do use them where they stand out in the songs. I liked these horns the most, well maybe they come in second after the fun sound and the lyrics, but the horns give the songs a sound that makes them stand out. They do have a party style to their music where this would be good to play when wanting to have fun but it also works for just sitting around, not so much so for when wanting a quiet moment because there is just too much energy in the songs for anyone to just sit still for while listening. Even though the songs have a similar structure with some similar sounds being used, the songs as a whole have enough of a variance in the sounds that they are different from one another. I like how the vocals are easily understood while also still have a good pace to them where they never get stale. Can't Contain It is just a fun album to listen to with fun songs and fun lyrics that are easily understood and sung along with.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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