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Oblivion is one of those films that should be experienced in theaters. The gorgeous Icelandic landscape turned post-apocalyptic wasteland is a sight to behold on IMAX, and the fantastic soundtrack by M83 simply screams surround sound. If you missed out on seeing it on the big screen, the Blu-ray expertly recreates the experience for home audiences.

The film itself is great, and Ryan has already given a superb rundown of why. Oblivion’s Blu-ray transfer has been handled with the utmost attention to detail and looks fantastic in high definition. The majority of the film was shot on location or on a set, and used minimal amounts of CGI, especially when compared to other sci-fi adventures. This leads to some breathtaking scenic views that put you right alongside Jack Harper (Tom Cruise).

The immersion is further intensified with a resounding soundtrack by electronic band M83. Oblivion is from Joseph Kosinski, director of Tron: Legacy, so the soundtrack is equally important as the dialogue and story. One of the more interesting special features of the Blu-ray allows you to watch the entirety of the film with only the soundtrack audio. No dialogue, no sound effects, just pure musical bliss. That’s how much confidence Kosinski has in M83 and their work on Oblivion.

Other special features on the disc include audio commentary, four deleted/alternate scenes, and a behind-the-scenes feature entitled “Promise of a New World.” The feature is split into five sections and covers the early stages of development (DESTINY), the design of Harper’s flying Bubbleship (VOYAGE), the action and stunt work (COMBAT), the visual effects (ILLUSION), and the musical score (HARMONY). It lasts close to an hour long and gives a fantastic look at the entire creative process of bring the film to life.

I couldn’t help but want a little bit more out of the special features, but that’s only because I became so invested in this world of Kosinski’s. Regardless, Oblivion is a must-own Blu-ray for sci-fi fans that looks and sounds fantastic.

Matt Rodriguez
Review by Matt Rodriguez
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