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Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters

Percy Jackson made his film debut in 2010 with The Lightning Thief and while it garnered little fanfare, it was considered a big enough hit to warrant a sequel. Based on the popular series of books, Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters continues the conquests of the demigod and his cohorts, Annabeth (Alexandra Daddario) and Grover (Brandon T. Jackson). After defeating Luke and recovering the Zeus’ lightning bolt, Percy Jackson (Logan Lerman) still questions himself as to whether he’s really a hero or just another one hit wonder.

It’s been three years since the first film and the cast has matured a great deal in that time. They’re no longer awkward kids thrown into a mythological world and their characters are more developed and refined. Sea of Monsters is basically the same premise as before; Percy and his companions must embark on a quest to save the world, only instead of recovering Zeus’ lightning bolt, they must find the Golden Fleece. With no need for introductions, the film throws you right into the action.

There’s a rather impressive battle with a mechanical bull early on in Sea of Monsters that sets the tone of the film. And no, this isn’t the kind of bull you ride drunkenly at your local bar, but one that spews flames and can charge through entire buildings. It’s clear the CGI and special effects have improved since their last outing, and it pays off in the end.  Cyclops, giant sea creatures, and the father of all gods Cronus are just some of the massive creatures that are featured in the film.

Fans of the book are sure to be pleased with the film version, but it also works well for those who don’t follow the series so rigorously. I’m a huge fan of Greek mythology and the film has plenty of references and characters throughout. There’s also some decent humor, and fans of Nathan Fillion, who replaces Dylan Neal as Hermes, should be on the lookout for a particularly hilarious joke about a certain cancelled television show. Fillion definitely leaves the biggest impression despite his few minutes of screen time.

Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters is a delightful action and adventure film that may not have the marketing power of a Harry Potter or Hunger Games but it’s worth seeing. Even if you passed up The Lightning Thief, give this one a chance. You won’t be disappointed.

Matt Rodriguez
Review by Matt Rodriguez
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