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On DVD: 
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Running Time: 
1 Hour, 32 Minutes

Why don't they make movies about functional people? Because the movies about dysfunctional people are much more interesting. If you agree with that, then Petunia might just be a movie for you.

Ash Christian writes and directs this search for love and self-acceptance about an emotionally stunted New York Family, the Petunia family, two psychologist parents and their three children. It begins with a wedding. Michael Petunia (Eddie Kaye Thomas) is a marrying Vivian (Thora Birch), who is good friends with Charlie Petunia (Tobias Segal) who introduced to Vivian's cousin George (Michael Urie), while the parents, Felicia (Christine Lahti) and Percy (David Rasche), passive-aggressively have a conversation through their children.

Michael and Vivian aren't exactly a match, and her pregnancy brings it all to the surface. Charlie is having trouble with his budding relationship with George. And Adrian Petunia (Jimmy Heck) can't help spouting "I love you" at the peak of ecstacy with his one night stands. Each of them is desperately trying to unlearn the lessons taught to them by their parents which haven't served them well. And speaking of the parents, with the kids finally grown they finally have time for each other, but they still can't seem to get on the same page.

Every single performance in this film is fantastic, and is the reason I give it the rating I do. The story itself, despite having so many elements, never really explores any of them deeply, and thus the resolutions at the end just feel like the happen and not so much that people really changed or decided things. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either. However I was fascinated with the players.

Review by Jason Pace
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