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Real Fear: The Truth Behind More Movies (PREVIEW)

Real Fear: The Truth Behind More Movies

Regular Air Date: 
Friday September 6 @9PM ET
Air Date: 
Friday, September 6, 2013


Paranormal investigators Richard Dolan, Katrina Weidman, John McGarry, Chris Holt and Becky Weingrad take their skills of deduction to bring the truth out of the movies. This group of experts take the movies The Haunting in Connecticut, Fire in the Sky, The Blair Witch Project, and A Nightmare on Elm Street that where based on true accounts in an attempt to root out the truth in those accounts and movies. The movies are widely known for their fear levels that they induce but are the accounts real? We hear from family members that were haunted in their own homes as well as people that experienced some paranormal events.


I've seen a few of the paranormal shows as well as a whole lot of horror/thriller/chiller/scary movies so you would think that I shouldn't get creeped out from watching the stuff. Not so true because after watching this second version of Real Fear: The Truth Behind More Movies, I can say that I was creeped out. It's something I don't like yet at the same time I love but I guess that's what makes so many people love scary movies, and I'm one of them. In this two hour long special the hosts use 4 famous movies that are based off true accounts and try to piece together what really happened and what happened in the movies.
If you watch a movie you know that even though it might be based off an actual event don't mean Hollywood will only use the truth. That's a little impossible unless the people making the movie are also the ones that had the experience. In other words, there is going to be embellishments given to the movie to make it scarier than what the truth is. It's a simple fact but that don't mean that these embellishments are all false. Which that's what this show is all about, finding out the facts from the fiction of the movies.

Being that I've seen all the movies that where investigated I was interested from the start to learn what really happened and what was made up. With the help of Chip Coffey, a famous psychic and another paranormal researcher John Zaffis, the events in the movies are broken down. It's in this part that had me creeped out because knowing a movie is based off some true events is not the same as having people talk about all the creepy events. Real Fear is interesting because it has people deconstructing the movies and then giving the real accounts. Or as real as it can possible get but that does not make it any less on the chill factor. Some of the objects being shown add to the level of being creepy but it also makes the show a lot more interesting. Though I really don't find any truth to the people hunting down the ghost but I do believe enough that I do get the chills so it was a entertaining two hours.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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