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Rizzoli & Isles: We Are Family (PREVIEW)

We Are Family finds Maura Isles recuperating from surgery after giving a kidney to an estranged half sister. Rizzoli has been attempting to help her in getting back on her feet by introducing a workout regimen which includes running and putting a cap on the whining. The two make their way to a parade where, once they are on the scene, a murder takes place, and not just any murder, the murder of a senator. All they have to go on is a pile of vomit left behind by the shooter.

I’ve never been a big fan of this show, but I figured it had been a very long time since I watched it (I reviewed the first few episodes from the show when it first aired) and since it was still on it had probably gotten a bit better.

The show isn’t much by way of an investigation type cop show. This particular case is introduced and it kind of lingers, weaving in and out of the personal lives of the title characters as they maneuver through relationships of all sorts and do a fine job of displaying their chemistry as two friends grasping on to their personal lives while balancing it with a work relationship.

It was entertaining. I did find Angie Harmon’s come and go accent a bit grating. It reminded of the scene in Elf where Daniel Tay attempts to convince his mother to let him eat in his room by mimicking his father. The accent is there one minute as Harmon puts on her cop face, but gone the next when she’s her character dealing with personal stuff.

Other then that the show wasn’t terrible. The conclusion to the case was kind of conveniently done. You see the team working on it, but the show pretty much devotes most of its time to the personal life aspects of he characters in this episode, leaving the finale up to a quick whodunit. 

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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