Rookie Blue: Season 2 (PREVIEW)

Rookie Blue

On DVD: 
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The show originally was titled Copper.

In the beginning Rookie Blue received a mixed bag from critic responses. Some like Rob Salem of The Toronto Star referred to the show as Gray’s Anatomy in a police station and Robert Lloyd of The Los Angeles Times said “It is modest and plain in a way that makes even its less likely moments feel credible enough.” Oddly enough those that disliked the show had pretty much the same thing to say in their negative response; It was too plain, bland, nothing overachieving but nothing overdramatic. Can the second season of Rookie Blue change the naysayer’s minds? Maybe.

Missing the first entire season of Rookie Blue I feared that coming in at the beginning of the second season I might find myself out of step with the show. This proved to not be a problem. What proved to be a problem was a bad opening for this episode. Main protagonist Andy McNally, played by Reapers Missy Peregrym, does the unthinkable dancing and singing to Hall & Oats You Make My Dreams while serving up breakfast. Weather or not this was some bad writers idea of a homage to a bad 80’s film is irrelevant, the fact that it happens is a bit swaying. Stick to it though as things get rolling relatively fast and remain captivating till the episode reaches its end.

Forget the opening for the episode. Pretend it never happened. Imagine that the episode begins with McNally and Traci Nash, played by 24’s Enuka Okuma, talking to one another before McNally is assigned point at a crowd control detail at a free concert. It’s here where the episode truly begins as shots are fired and McNally and a bystander go down. From here the show moves swiftly introducing a first time viewer like myself to the rookies and their training officer counterparts, love interests, and for setting up a multi-faceted storyline. Taking from Robert Lloyd’s quote the show truly does just strive to scratch the surface of human interaction without truly going over the top and taking away the credibility of a mostly black and white narrative that keeps you somewhere between realism and entertainment. In that, your not bogged down by unnecessary drama, for now.

As far as this one episode goes, it has a few staples of your basic cop drama but execution that is humorous, gripping, and revealing in both reintroducing characters after the shows hiatus and working in, without muddling the flow of the story, new information. While I had my doubts about yet another show that focused on cops I found this one episode drawing enough to have me give checking out the previous season some serious thought. I’d suggest checking out the season two first episode when it airs. You might find yourself in the same boat as I am and looking to grab season one or you might not like it at all. It seems to be a show that rides the fence. As always final judgment is yours. Enjoy. 

AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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