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Saving Santa

Saving Santa

Running Time: 
84 Minutes
Bernard (Martin Freeman; The Hobbit) is a lowly stable elf who has some great inventions, but a record of causing chaos with said inventions. His dream is to work right alongside Santa (Tim Conway; The Carol Burnett Show) using his inventions, but that dream seems very unlikely. 
In this ready for the holiday adventure, Santa finds himself in danger as a villainous corporate type named Neville Baddington (Tim Curry; Legend) has his sights set on the North Pole and the secret to Santa’s speedy delivery technique. When Bernard’s attempt at wowing the elf council goes awry again he accidentally sets in motion events that leads Baddington straight to Santa’s front door. 
With the help of a few scattered elves, Bernard, Bernard and Bernard (it will all make sense later) must put their inventive minds together to save the day from Baddington and his distant villainous mother.
Also starring in this animated musical spectacular is Ashley Tisdale (High School Musical), Noel Clarke (Doctor Who), Joan Collins (Pacific Palisades), Chris Barrie (Red Dwarf), Pam Ferris (Death To Smoochy), and Terry Stone (Doghouse). 
When it comes to Christmas kids films I usually find them to be pretty bland. Saving Santa turned out to be an interesting view with a complex plot theme and a lot of great musical numbers and great comedic writing. Though it doesn’t come from a big name studio like Disney or Dreamworks Saving Santa ended up being a real winner. Definitely worth checking out. 
AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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