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Street Warrior

Street Warrior

On DVD: 
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Running Time: 
88 minutes

War Veteran Jack Campbell has just returned from four years in prison from a scuffle with his superior officer. Upon his arrival, he finds out that his brother has been put into a coma and is barely clinging to life. To extract his revenge, Jack enters the Gauntlet; an underground fighting tournament where there are no rules...

Judging from the cover and the descriptions, one would expect this to be one of those horrible excuses for a film that barely made it to DVD. Surprisingly, this is far from the case. The movie is actually quite decent, with plenty of great fight scenes that occupy most of the time. It is like watching a UFC match in film form. All the fighters have a different style and variety of moves. They knew that the plot wasn't going to be the best so it focuses more on the action.

Speaking of plot, there isn't much. Guy out to avenge his brother; gets into a heap of trouble himself; realizes who he really is. That pretty much sums up the whole movie. For not having much substance, the acting was fairly good although there isn't much to talk about.

Even without any special features, Street Warrior is actually a fun film to watch. It's got plenty of action of that's your thing. Definitely worth a viewing.

Matt Rodriguez
Review by Matt Rodriguez
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