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The Host

The Host

In Theatres: 
Mar 29, 2013

Our world is perfect and at peace. There is no violence, no hunger, no war, no disease. But it also no longer human.

The Souls, a parasitic alien race have not only invaded the planet, but occupied the very bodies and minds of most of humanity. Humans are now so few, they will soon become extinct. However, pockets of resistance remain.

Melanie Stryder (Saoirse Ronan) is a resistant human on the run with her brother Jamie (Chandler Canterbury) and boyfriend, Jared Howe (Max Irons) when she is captured by The Seeker (Diane Kruger) and implanted with Wanderer (Saoirse Ronan); a Soul new to this planet.

The Seeker, intently focused on locating and converting the remaining resistance, implores Wanderer to search Melanie’s memories. However, Wanderer quickly learns that Melanie is a fighter and unlike other human hosts, refuses to let her voice fade away. Melanie shouts at Wanderer, argues, pleads, even at times regains momentary control of her limbs. Melanie persuades Wanderer to enact her last desire; to reunite with Jamie & Jared.

Saoirse Ronan has the herculean task of not only carrying the first third of the film nearly solo, but portraying two characters at once. Many of these scenes are Ronan in close-up or staring at herself reacting to what one character is saying while the other character is speaking. Because of this, many of her scenes are silent; the focus being only on Ronan’s skills. Ronan executes the differences between Melanie and Wanderer with such talent you’ll never become confused as to whom is speaking or acting.

Catching up with Jamie and Jared is not as easy as Melanie nor Wanderer perceived. The resistance isn’t aware that a human may remain in the host body even after a Soul has been implanted. Jared (Max Irons) is suspicious of Wanderer, but when a gang of other humans, including Ian O'Shea (Jake Abel), come to kill Wander, Jared follows orders to protect her. Ian and the others believe Wanderer will lead to the Seeker to their hideout, but Jamie begins to suspect the truth--that Melanie is still alive inside.

The sci-fi aspects of The Host are fascinating. Unlike so many American movies about alien invasions, this one is not violent nor sinister. The Souls intentions are pure. They only wish to perfect each world they inhabit and experience that world through a host. Their vastly superior technology includes medicines that spray on and heal completely, leaving the skin flawless. They’ve discovered twelve planets with life and Wanderer herself is 1,000 years old. They do not lie nor steal, but they also do not understand they are unwelcome invaders, conquerors, body snatchers.

The human resistance to The Souls are a group hardened by defeat and the struggle to survive. They come up with several ingenious ways to remain alive and undetected. Their scenes with Wanderer are also some of the most engaging. They ask the questions the audience wants to know. Unfortunately, not enough time is spent on these discoveries nor the rest of the sci-fi.

Too much of the film, but also what Stephenie Meyer is known for, is spent on a four corner  romance. Unlike Twilight’s infamous triangle, The Host features a love square..or possibly a rectangle? Melanie is in love with Jared, but Ian falls for Wanderer. The trio of actors all turn in passionate performances, but their relationships just do not feel as deep nor as rich as the one between Melanie and Wanderer.

Also unlike Twilight, The Host lacks the overbearing chastity and is refreshingly free from unending teen angst. The Host is the better book and the better film, stocked with more experienced actors than Twilight. Fans of the book will be very satisfied and newcomers will be surprised.

Maria Jackson
Review by Maria Jackson
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jessa1130's picture

This look really good, but another Twilight type Sage?? Just not into, I am looking forward to see the movie, I just hope it is better than what the trailer shows!!

wolfkin's picture

as someone who has also read the book. I'm pleased by the review. By all indications this shouldn't be nearly as hard to swallow as Twilight. It reads a lot less action-y than you might expect from a sci-fi movie but having read the review we'll be somewhat prepared for that. The room for extra books (and films) is pretty narrow. The resolution is pretty definite. Than again I said the same thing about Warm Bodies (book).

Nice review

MsMarvJ's picture

Although the intent of the aliens might have been "pure" even with all of their advanced technology and intelligence they failed to comprehend the fact that they were infringing on the rights of other beings to live their lives freely. Instead they used their superior abilities to imprison other races through out the galaxy which was there downfall. THANKS for the Great review!!