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The Racoon Wedding: Raccoon Dead on the Side of the Road

Raccoon Dead on the Side of the Road

(The Racoon Wedding)
Release Date: 
Monday, September 23, 2013

With a name like The Racoon Wedding, you can’t really know what to expect from their album, Raccoon Dead on the Side of the Road, except for maybe a song about raccoons.

The band sounds like a bunch of country folk singers simply getting together and jamming on into the night. It has a certain flow to it that feels right; it’s never too fast or too slow. There is a simplicity in the album that can be a little dull for some people, but it’s smooth listening.

Some personal favorite tracks include “Kid Ryder” and “Of the River” while others like “Raccoon” feel more like a gimmick and something put on the album just for fun and to reflect the band’s name. Overall, Raccoon Dead on the Side of the Road lives up to its roots and ends on a pleasing note. If you’re looking for something easy to get into, The Racoon Wedding is a decent choice.

Matt Rodriguez
Review by Matt Rodriguez
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