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The Smurfs 2

The Smurfs 2

In Theatres: 
Jul 31, 2013
Running Time: 
1 Hour, 45 Minutes

Despite The Smurfs being critically panned across the board it went on to become a box office behemoth, grossing more than half a billion dollars worldwide. There was never a question as to whether or not it would garner a sequel; it was only a matter of when would we see it. Two years later and Papa Smurf is back with the rest of his Smurf friends to once again stop Gargamel from destroying the world, only this time it’s Paris that has come down with the case of the blues.

Gargamel (Hank Azaria) has gained quite a fan base following the events of the first film and even has his own magic act in Paris using Smurf essence to power his illusions while he concocts a plan to create an army of his own Smurf-like creatures called The Naughties. The difference between his versions and the Smurfs is that they are grey and don’t possess any essence, but Papa Smurf knows of a formula that can change them into real Smurfs. Gargamel along with his two Naughties, Vexy and Hackus, kidnap his first “creation” Smurfette in order to force her to give up Papa’s secret formula.

The Smurfs 2 is similar in vein to the first film, only instead of New York it’s Paris that is being overrun by the Smurfs and the Winslow family. Fans will be pleased to know that the majority of the main cast returns including Neil Patrick Harris, Jayma Mays, and Katy Perry and the rest of the Smurf voice actors. This time around they’re joined by Brendan Gleeson who plays Victor Doyle, Patrick Winslow’s stepfather.

The film revolves around the whole idea of family and where you truly belong. For Patrick (Harris), he never knew his real father and ever since he was a child, Victor has been trying to fill that void, although unsuccessfully. As Patrick likes to put it, he’s a Wislow while Victor is Doyle. End of story. Smurfette is having the same feelings too, as she believes she doesn’t fit in with the rest of the real Smurfs because she was a product of Gargamel’s magic. There are a lot of parallels between the two throughout the film. It’s a feel good message that works well for the family environment.

The humor of The Smurfs 2 relies on an overabundance of Smurf related puns and jokes, almost to the point of wanting to Smurf yourself. It’s slightly entertaining for the first half hour or so but the charm quickly wears off. Children will get a kick out of the slapstick humor and the quirkiness of each character. If you’ve seen the first, you can expect more of the same.

The Smurfs 2 is one of those films that no matter what is said about it, it will probably do extremely well in theaters. If you’re looking for something for the kids to watch as an entire family, it’s not a bad choice. If you want something with a little more substance, better look elsewhere.

Matt Rodriguez
Review by Matt Rodriguez
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