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TheField of Blood: Set 1

The Field of Blood

Set 1
On DVD: 
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Field of Blood is a show about a young woman, Paddy, trying to become a journalist in the 1980s.  At work she has to deal with other journalists that don’t believe she can make it solely because she’s a woman and continuously make sexist comments while at home she has to deal with a very strict Catholic family.

Based on novels by Denise Mina, each episode runs an hour long but are in 2 parts.  In all reality it plays as 2 2-hour movies. Had there not been credits and an intro in the middle for the end and start of the next episode I doubt I would of even noticed where one ended and the other began.

 A couple problems that I had with the show were that if I walked into the kitchen to get a drink and came back I would be completely lost as to what’s going on because so much happens.  While there is a lot happening there’s not a lot aside from talking so it can tend to drag on.  Though the few parts there are action it does get pretty gruesome so this isn’t something you should watch with children in the room.

All in all the show was pretty good, would of given it an A had the episodes not been so long.  They actually run a full 60min each.  I would say that if you watch this show make sure that you have the time because if you don’t give the show your undivided attention theres a good chance you will get lost.  I had to re-watch the first episode and almost the 3rd because I got a little confused on what I missed.

Wayne Stillson
Review by Wayne Stillson
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