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Ultramarines: A Warhammer 40,000 Movie

Ultramarines: Warhammer

On Blu-Ray: 
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Running Time: 
1 Hour, 17 Minutes
Bonus Features

Making the Ultramarines, The World of the Space Marines, Creating the Daemon, Animated Graphic Novel, Trailer


In the 41st Millennium humanity is being hunted down by alien hordes that only want to see the extinction of mankind. Humanities chance rests in the hands of their ultimate fighters, the Ultramarines. They are a group of genetically enhanced fighters that are clad in a special armor that give them a fighting chance against their enemies. Responding to a distress beacon, a elite group of 12 Ultramarines go to face an enemy they are not prepared to face, the ultimate daemon.


Ultramarines is a simple movie, there are some bad aliens or some sort of demon actually, that humans fight out in space. The Ultramarines are the elite fighters who have been enhanced genetically, as well as with the armor and weapons they use that allow them to fight the chaos daemons. For the plot, a group of the Ultramarines gets a distress call, they go to find out about it, and end up fighting an enemy they wasn’t expecting. This is just a straight forward animated action movie that has tells us there is going to be a lot of fighting with some odd weapons and big enemies.

This is a CGI made movie so if you are expecting to watch it like it was an animation then you will be disappointed. If you are looking for a movie that looks like an extended cut scene from a video game then you should like the way Ultramarines looks. For a cut scene in a game the CGI would have been fine and I wouldn’t have any complaints but for a full length movie it did not do such a good job. Most of the time the movement is blocky where it looks like the characters are moving around as if they had boards controlling them. Nothing looks natural, and I don’t mean the alien environments that are seen but the fluidity of the characters are rough. Being CGI I expected a finer amount of smoothness to the movements than the details being used on the features. Up close you can see some fine detail to the characters like battle scars on the suits, wrinkles in the faces but it’s all stiff. It was almost like watching a movie that was made up of still pictures that has had some movement added to them.

As for the environments that are being used, they ended up having no impact on the story at all. I could see that the environment was attempted to look like they are bleak and in danger but with all the dust, fog, and haze it felt like I was watching the movie in a blur. The characters where in focus but with all that dust it looked like out of focus and that got on my nerves the most. Then there was the plot of the evil enemy the Ultramarines had to face off against, which ended up being so easily figured out that I didn’t do any real thinking at all while watching this. It’s a straight forward movie with a plot that’s simple, fighting with what they want to be this unforeseen enemy that’s not. Though the movie is rough, it’s plot has no real substance, and the characters have no depth, it is still filled with a lot of action and fighting. If you are looking for a movie that will be watched just to see people fight while being killed by swords that are also chainsaws then Ultramarines will fulfill that need.


Ok, so this movie wasn’t too impressive to me when it came to the plot or the movement but the way it looks is a different story. As I said, this looked like a movie that was made up of stills with some movement added in, but the picture has some decent detail. It’s not spectaular, the picture is clear, the detail is fine, and though there is some noise to be seen in the picture it blends with the overall scene. Audio however is a different story all together where as it was low with the dialog and too high for the action sounds.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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