V: Season 2 (BLU RAY)
Bonus Features

Blooper Reel, Season 2 Highlights with writers and cast members, Visual Effects, Unaired scenes

Alien lizard people have come to Earth to take it over! The Visitors have come telling the world that they are here to share with the people of Earth their knowledge for just a small amount of the planets resources. When the Visitors plans start to take a turn for the worse after Anna’s (played by Morena Baccarin) warrior eggs are destroyed she begins the process of her true goal. The war has begun and the sides are being decided, though with sleeper agents coming from the Visitors and the resistance, neither side really knows what the others are doing. With tension building between Anna and her daughter Lisa (played by Laura Vandervoort), Erica (played by Elizabeth Mitchell) takes the opportunity to gain the help of Lisa in finding out what her mother is really up to but this might lead to more trouble than either of them expected.


If you liked season 1 of V then you will love season 2 of it. My main problem with season 1 of the show was that it wasn’t moving along quick enough. For a show that has the main plot of the world actually being taken under control of aliens the plot lines of season 1 episodes was to show how long they could take in not getting to the aliens taking over. Until the season finale, which ended with the red skies and season 2 picked right up with and that’s where things were supposed to start. And they did, and the pacing of the show has picked up a lot compared to season 1 but still just not as much as I would like.

I’ve loved V since the originals aired, I’ve seen them many times, and I really like this new version of the show, but it just needs to get going with the world domination. V could be such a great show if the writers, producers, directors, and all the other key people that decide the flow for the show would just have the story pick up with the action. I don’t think they could have picked a better cast and season 2 really shows how this cast was such a great fit. Morena Baccarin played a great character in season one who had the hidden agenda but now in season 2 she gets to play a more conniving, evil character that is going to take over a planet. Same goes for Elizabeth Mitchell who has brought strength to her character Erica and how she can be both the worried mother who will cry over her son but the next moment ready to go kill some alien lizard people. This whole cast fits well with each other, the different dynamics of the characters that under normal circumstance would not work with each other end up working out great on this show.

Season 2 had some better writing to make the episodes a lot more fun to watch as well as being more interesting. In this season the show actually starts to go somewhere with the plot, and best yet it kept me guessing as to what was really going to happen. I didn’t know if the Visitor was going to be a spy for the resistance or was working with Anna, and same goes for Chad Decker (played by Scott Wolf) who is the news anchor who seems to be playing both sides but I still really don’t know who he is working for or with. Thought the character that I thought was the greatest addition on the show was Diana (played by Jane Badler), who is the mother to Anna and once former Queen of the Visitors. Now if you don’t know who Diana is, she is the original Queen from the original V series from the 80’s. I loved seeing her on the show, even though she is not on it as much as I would have liked, just putting her on the show got an extra boost of me liking it. It’s these aspects that keeps the show going, the good story lines, the quicker pace in this season, and a great set of actors/actresses who make up the cast but what helps keep the show interesting and making it have some nice eye candy are the visuals.

With this being a network station show I wasn’t expecting much on the end of the CG effects on the show. What I expected is not what I’ve been given with this show and with season 2 it was even better than season 1. Granted, there are times when the effects can be seen that it’s a computer background where the actors/actress was standing in front of a green screen but even then it looks decent. Usually those times are when the effect was showing a portion of the inside of the space ship, however when the outside of the ships are shown floating over the cities I was impressed. It’s these larger effects that are impressive and almost look real and it’s these scenes that I was enjoying. Still, as I said some are not that great, like the tail being used by Anna, that was a little on the cheesy side but overall, season 2 looks really good.


Being that I watched this show when it was aired and now on Blu Ray I can’t stress enough how great of a improvement Blu Rays can be. Even though when the show aired it had good picture quality and audio levels, this Blu Ray makes it look like I was watching a show from the 90’s. There’s a bump up in the level of how sharp this picture quality looks on this Blu Ray as well as having a great audio level set. Watching it on Blu Ray makes this show fun just from how good it does look and with such great sound levels I didn’t have to fuss over the volume levels as I watched it. Though I got to say the most enjoyment for me from the Blu Ray was the blooper reel that is included on the special features. I would have liked to seen a few more special features with this Blu Ray, maybe something like picture in picture or even something that would connect to the main web site, but what is on here was fun to watch.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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