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Versus Angels: We're Only Human

We're Only Human

(Versus Angels)
Release Date: 
Thursday, October 31, 2013

If you've been living in Charleston, SC and you like to listen to rock music then you might be familiar with a band called Versus Angels. The band consists of the four members Tony Morgan, Shaun Freeman, Worth Weaver, and Jonny Braddock who have put out the new album “We're Only Human”. They have put out a catchy EP where the songs do what I assume the band wanted by having the album be fun songs with catchy beats that is easy to listen to.
Here's another EP that makes me like and dislike the idea of an EP. Having only 7 songs on the EP I was left with wanting more of this band. Versus Angels' new EP “We're Only Human” was one that fatures songs that have solid guitar riffs for some good rock and roll songs. Though the songs aren't heavy hitting or pushing the envelope, it has a core to it that make the songs have a fun sound. What you expect to get out of this EP is not what you get out of it. Unless that is you expect it to be one that has songs that make you want to like them. With the quick guitar riffs being played, solid vocals, the songs have a good melody to them.
This band has a mixture of rock with punk and a little pop put in there but they put the pieces of sounds together like they are supposed to be that way. They do like the guitar, or it was just that I was hearing the guitar the most on the songs, but it works for the songs. These are good songs but I would have liked a little more edge to them to bring out the energy some more. Which they do have strong vocals, strong lyrics, and the emotions are clearly heard in the songs. All of which are what make the songs actually fun to listen to. There's a moody vibe in the songs that I liked that is what gives the songs their emotional side but it's the catchy way the instruments are being played that are the best portion of the songs.

Lee Roberts
Review by Lee Roberts
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