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Wicked Tuna: Season 3 (PREVIEW)

Wicked Tuna

301, 302
Regular Air Date: 
Sundays @ 10/9C
Air Date: 
Sunday, August 17, 2014

"Wicked Tuna" is a TV show that can be seen on the National Geographic Channel every Sunday at 9 PM. The show's third season is set to premiere on Sunday, February 16. "Wicked Tuna" is a reality show that follows several teams of fishermen that pursue bluefin tuna in the Gloucester, Massachusetts region of United States. Based on the quality of the fish and its weight, the tuna can get the fisherman anywhere between several hundreds to several thousands of dollars making it a very very profitable industry to be a part of. Shakefire had a chance to review several new episodes of the upcoming season before it's air-date.
Without spoiling too much of the season, all the teams from last season are back for the third season, with some new competition that they have to deal with. There seems to be more game changers for this upcoming season and it is anyone's game. There are several reality shows that are similar to "Wicked Tuna," and I found it difficult to distinguish the show from the others. I thought it was cool to see the fishermen catching humongous blue fin tuna, but the created drama and trash talking wasn't any different than other reality TV shows on the air today.
Another issue I found with the show was, in between commercial breaks, it would show a 15 second recap of what happened before going into the commercial break, which kind of killed a lot of time for each episode and felt redundant. Also, with the exception "Dot Com," most of the other fishermen on the show lacked personality and did not have much of an emotional connection to the audience. This made me care less as to what really happened to them throughout the season. Also, after a while, the show just felt like the same thing over and over again. This is not really a show I'd want to watch again nor would I recommend it to anybody unless you like fishing. The two episodes ("The Wicked Return" and "Checkmate") that I reviewed did not make me a fan and I don't plan on watching the rest of the season. For those reasons I am giving the show and The third season sneak preview episodes a "D."

Paul Arca
Review by Paul Arca
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