Wild Australia (PREVIEW)

Wild Australia

Air Date: 
Sunday, February 15, 2015

“Wild Australia” is a documentary series that will be making its debut on Nat Geo Wild with a 2-night special event on Sunday, February 15th and Monday, February 16th at 9pm ET. They will show you everything about the wildlife that makes Australia such as unique place in the world. The first couple episodes, they will cover the lives of wombats and red kangaroos. Shakefire had the opportunity to watch both episode before their public air dates.
Australia is at the top of my list of places to visit before I die. I have seen numerous documentaries about Australia and have to admit “Wild Australia” falls into the middle of the pack despite the cute wombats and red kangaroos that were featured. The format of the documentaries were well presented, but wanted to see more about the wombats and red kangaroos if they were supposed to be the main focal point of the episode. As for the music, it was very fitting for the mod, but felt the sound effects were a bit too over-embellished. Lastly, I loved the scenic shots, but was not too happy with the sharpness of some of the scenes.
“Wild Australia” would be an okay documentary to show to younger classrooms but think there are better documentaries out there that better represent Australia and its wildlife. However, both episode weren’t a total bore and I still had a good time watching them. I learned a lot about wombats and wanted to learn more. For those reasons, I am giving “Wild Australia” a “B.”

Paul Arca
Review by Paul Arca
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