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Woe, Is Me: American Dream EP

American Dream EP

(Woe Is Me)
Release Date: 
Monday, August 19, 2013
Woe, Is me is a metal core band that began its rise in 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia and has suffered so many line up changes that the only original remaining member of the band is guitarist Kevin Hanson. That little tid bit of trivia information out of the way, let’s get to the review. 
The new E.P. from Woe, Is Me is impressively heavy handed on the hardcore sound, but then again it was a bit more of the same for me. For example, the album features the usual angst riddled scream core/clean vocals backed by a heavy sound that, to be honest, if you were looking for comparisons to put in contrast, the genre is like pulling names out of a very big hat. The opening song on the EP instantly reminded me of Fear Factory, the heavier vocals and delivery like Dr. Acula, and the tandem vocal styles that of Ice Nine Kills. It’s aggressive but there is also that touchy feely side of the vocals that throws the music for a curve. 
Did I like the EP? Hell yes. Despite feelings as if I’d been here before, the delivery of the album is so high energy and explosive that it gives you very little time to think on comparing the sound of the EP to anything else, and let’s be honest, as long as it kicks your ass and you’re having a good time, the band has done their job. Props to the soundboard guy/s as the album is well mixed allowing you to live within every effort by the band individually and as a whole. I really dug the accelerated sound of the album, but also appreciated the lower tempo tunes and how both levels maintained a clear channel for hearing it all.  
AJ Garcia
Review by AJ Garcia
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