>> American Sixgun: Gypsy Circus & The Southern Wind, Vol. I & II (2010)

Artist: American Sixgun

Album: Gypsy Circus & The Southern Wind vol. I & II

Members: Zach Neil, Josh Bodwell, Tim O' Grady, Mike Lucchetti, Wes Ingrahm

Genre: Rock

Label: Masquerade Recordings

Tracks: 9

Type: EP

Release Date: August 16, 2010

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.94 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Official Site

In an interview with Gravedigger Magazine the band explains their sound ranges from the hardcore scene a couple of their members had grown up from and classic rock to blues as well. Considering their double EP Gypsy Circus & The Southern Wind vol. I & II that makes sense. The collection of 9 tracks is a mixture of punk rock, metal, and a definite flare of classic rock. The band wanted the double EP to be a half and half for their fans and would be fans. One part metal one part everything else.

The first track on the double EP, vol. I, is America Is Burning which boasts a hefty punk rock anthem that pulls no punches lyrically stating the bands love for country, disappointment in its double standards that protect the fat cats who manipulate the system leaving the middle class with the bill, and, if all else fails, their willingness to burn the country to the ground for its own good. Even one of our founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin, would attest to that statement. Moving into their next track, When The Spirit Moves, the band leaves behind none of that anger with authority tackling religion. “You’ve got a lot of nerve to say to me that all these people get to live in the sky and everyone else goes to hell when they die.” I applaud the fact that the band put themselves out there on this subject when so many people fail to question the answers. Like America Is Burning the lyrics point to a society that allows themselves to be told to love something without question even when its ideology and direction has become flawed and or abused. Vol. I is the heavier side of the album incorporating the more metal aspect of the bands sound. The Native and Dirty Sweet continues the bands hard rock vocal style combined with the old school metal sound of say Megadeth and Metallica (post Cliff Burton). The final track on vol. I, Nothing, seems all wrong though. It has a Pink Floyd type guitar and drum combination with an echoing vocal effect which seems as if it would fit better on the vol. II EP and its opening track, Somebody Like You, swapped for it.

Vol. II begins with Somebody like you which harkens back to the 80’s hair rock movement. Its not as cheesy but its got a vocal style that fits and a chorus as well to boot including a harmonizing breakdown at about the 3:21 mark. Up next is Prophet For Profit which is the most commercially accessible track off the double EP attacking religious figures that abuse their influence with double standards and self absorbed opinions. If anything its unlike anything else in the collection of tracks. You Kill The Things You love is up next continuing the bands more hard rock direction on vol. II including back up singers. Their guitar work on this side of the double EP is fantastic moving in a more focused direction adding personality to the tracks found here instead of loaning an already angry track an even angrier ambiance. Say A Prayer closes out the collection which has the album going out with a bang.

It took me a few times but I absorbed Gypsy Circus & The Southern Wind Vol. I & II. My love for hard rock is almost absent but the band manages to strike up some nostalgic love for the sound of metal guitars and lyrics that define a sense of rebellion that’s not really aimed at anyone in particular but coming forth from a more personal place that I think a lot of people hide from the world and, lets face it, from themselves. That drive and honesty really pushed me beyond just the sound the band was putting out and then allowed me to step back and look at all the intricate influences playing out on the album. Obviously its not going to be a hit with everyone but if your into rock in general you might find yourself getting into this. As always final judgment is yours. Enjoy.





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