>> Ash St John: The Faint Whisper Calling... (2009)

Artist: Ash t John

Album: The Faint Whisper Calling...

Members: Ash St John, Andy Keech

Genre: Easy Listening

Label: Ash St John

Tracks: 13

Type: Digital

Release Date: July 31, 2009

Rating: 2.70 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

Official Site

With the world being what it is today and music pretty much in the crapper its hard for me to take a look at a singer/songwriter whose put themselves out there without standing before a panel of idiot judges or hired a marketing team to make them what they aren’t and admit they just haven’t reached their true potential. Unfortunately Ash St. John is one such singer/songwriter.

The Faint Whisper Calling… is actually a really strong album with personal and passionate lyrics, a soft acoustic warmth, and Ash St. John has a very acrobatic voice. The problem is the delivery. The entire album rides on the back of its acoustic style which limit’s the range in which St. John is able to rise and fall against the music pretty much leaving his performance leveled off and unable to rise above what is clearly a fine sound but as a whole makes the entire album mesh together so much its like listening to the same track repeatedly. My first listen was great. I analyzed the lyrical, gauged St. John’s vocal abilities, the tapestry of sound within the album but after that first listen, when it was all about just enjoying the album for what it was, it just hits you that the album is made monotonous by a lack of tempo change ups. It wont surprise me to find Ash St John thriving a few years down the line but this debut album of his is surely a sign his studio work needs a little more experience. Keep an eye on this artist.


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