>> Awolnation: Back From Earth (2010)


Album: Back From Earth

Genre: DJ/Dance, Other, Rap/Hip Hop, Rock

Label: Red Bull Records

Tracks: 5

Release Date: May 18, 2010

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.66 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

Awolnation ‘Back From Earth can easily be called a dance mix but it’s also a fun music mix. My first impression of these 5 songs on this album is that the songs are full of energy. It would be hard not to tap your foot while listening to these songs or if near a dance floor it would be tough not to want to go out on it to do some dancing. This is the level of energy and life that the songs on ‘Back From Earth’ has on it. Awolnation has caught my attention with the my first listening to it.

From that first time of hearing these 5 songs I was ready to hear them again. Not because I wanted to get a better feel for the songs before I wrote my review but because I just wanted to listen to the songs again. The vocals on them have this way and feel to them that make the songs sound like an epic tale of fun and good times. To me the vocals make it sound like if I were to be living in a movie it would be during a scene where it was at a high point and where the main character was having the time of their life. That’s the level of energy Awolantion gives out in these songs.

Vocals alone don’t make the songs though, there’s also the instruments. The sound that is being played in these songs are just open. Sure it’s not going to be considered one of the all time greats but there’s a good beat to these songs. It’s these beats that make the songs whole and enjoyable to listen to. There’s no way I would be able to relax while listening to these songs but if I wanted to have my mood lifted some and to bob my head with the infectious beat ‘Back From Earth’ will do the job, in spades. Even the lyrics have this rhythm to them that made me want to move, and with the song ‘MF’ I would and probably will sing along with it once I learn the words, which I think will be easy to learn. These songs are fun, full of energy, and I would listen to more that Awolnation made if they keep this style of music coming.


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