>> Corinne Bailey Rae: The Sea (2010)

Artist: Corinne Bailey Rae

Album: The Sea

Genre: Jazz, Pop, R&B

Label: Capitol

Tracks: 11

Type: LP

Release Date: January 26, 2010

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.87 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Official Site

British singer-songwriter Corinne Bailey Rae’s self-titled 2006 debut solo album sold over four million copies worldwide and earned four Grammy nominations.  She took a hiatus from music after her husband, saxophonist Jason Rae, died from an apparent drug overdose in early 2008, but is back with a much more personal and diverse second CD.  While The Sea is less poppy and effervescent, it’s markedly more satisfying to listen to.  The arrangements are more complicated, the sound is fuller, and Rae’s vocals are more powerful.  It’s the work of a maturing, if suffering, artist.

The first track, “Are You Here,” is a heartbreakingly lovely ballad filled with grief, love, and longing.  The simple guitar and melody underscore the emotional punch and there is a gorgeous raw quality to the song.  “I’d Do it All Again” is the first single and it also alludes to grief, but Rae actually wrote it after a fight with her husband two months before his death, making it that much more poignant.  Another emotionally charged ballad, it’s more uplifting than “Are You Here,” but no less sad or lovely.  The tinkling piano and wonderful strings raise “Feels Like the First Time,” and the lush backing vocals create a jazzy, soulful feel.  I love “The Blackest Lily” with its strong guitar and powerful harmonies.  Rae lets loose on this one and the sound is soaring: cluttered and full with a touch of funk. 

“Closer” is a generic, poppy song where Rae’s vocals are silky, but the melody is unremarkable and the lyrics forgettable.  “Love’s On Its Way,” builds from simple ballad to soaring torch song and “I Would Like to Call It Beauty” with its strumming guitar and slightly slurred vocals is like tears pouring from a broken heart.  “Paris Nights/New York Mornings” is breezy and fun, and is the song most similar to anything on Rae’s debut album.  “Paper Dolls” is much more cynical and sassy with a terrific backing beat and fun arrangement.   There is terrific, rich guitar work on “Keep on Diving,”’ and I love the rise and fall of Rae’s vocals.  The title track ends the disc on a contemplative and bittersweet note.  Achingly lovely, Rae says goodbye with floating vocals and a wash of piano and guitar.

Overall, The Sea is an impressive and beautiful disc.  It leans heavily on ballads, which suits Rae’s smooth, rich soprano and current mood while making the more upbeat songs that much more meaningful.  While this is probably not as accessible an album as Corinne Bailey Rae, it’s a better one, with more substance and less glitz.  It’s definitely worth checking out, and if you want to see Rae live, she will be touring with the revived Lilith Fair tour this summer.

Track Listing:
1. Are You Here
2. I’d Do It All Again
3. Feels Like the First Time
4. The Blackest Lily
5. Closer
6. Love’s on Its Way
7. I Would Like to Call It Beauty
8. Paris Nights/New York Mornings
9. Paper Dolls
10. Diving for Hearts
11. The Sea

Corinne Bailey Rae on MySpace


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