>> InAshton: Red (2011)

Artist: InAshton

Album: Red

Members: Morgan Clamp, Tony Calabro, Deal, Mr. Williams

Genre: Pop, Rock

Label: Heath Recordings

Tracks: 10

Type: LP

Release Date: November 23, 2011

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.79 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

Although I’m not exactly sure what the bands name means, InAshton, its not hard to miss the obvious when it comes to their music. InAshton is a NYC based band that carefully writes songs to fit into a universal mold. Topics on the album range from love songs to songs about having your heartbroken to being inspired to rise above feeling down. What’s most remarkable about the band is the uniqueness of their lead singers voice, Morgan Clamp. Getty Lee of Rush quickly comes to mind but the overall direction of the band backing Clamp is reminiscent of classic rock from the late 60’s to late 70’s. I know, that’s quite a range, but when you hear the band, depending on when you were born, it will make sense.

I listened to the bands new album, Red, a few times. Each time bringing me closer and closer to a definitive opinion on the band. You really have to get used to Clamp’s voice, once your beyond that everything else simply falls into place. IA is a pop rock outfit that somewhat takes on the formula that made Maroon5’s debut album such a hit. Regardless of how negative a songs subject matter might become there is never a real downer on the album. Everything is upbeat, Clamp’s vocal range is actually really well off, and the album, at 37+ minutes never really shows any drag. While its not absolutely knock your socks off revolutionary the album is very enjoyable and gives me the sense that even a year down the line the album will still carry value off of its energetic pop rock routine and bright lyrics. No joke, give the album a few listens if you can’t get passed Clamp’s vocal style, he really is actually quite good, just a bit hard to get into at first. Everything else, like I said, simply falls into place. Enjoy.


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