>> Joey Ryan and the Inks: Well, Here We Are Then (2009)

Artist: Joey Ryan and the Inks

Album: Well Here We Are Then

Members: Joey Ryan, The Inks

Genre: Other, Rock

Label: None

Tracks: 12

Type: LP

Release Date: December 31, 2009

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.30 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

Official Site

Released well over a year ago, Well, Here We Are Then by Joey Ryan and the Inks is an album full of breezy fun pop tunes.  There isn't much more to say about it than that.  It's a good album that does what it does well.  I put it on repeat and listened to it a dozen times and thoroughly enjoyed it each time through, and yet this isn't the sort of album that will change the world, but it's pretty good for an unsigned band releasing their own music.

Imagine yourself, sitting on the beach, or maybe just in your backyard with your feet in the kiddie pool pretending it's the beach.  No, go back to the beach, that's a better image.  So you are on the beach sipping a beach drink and the breeze drifting in off the ocean reminds you of a melody.  That's what these songs are.  And if you are in the backyard with your feet in the kiddie pool trying to keep the heat at bay, these songs could be the distraction that make you forget for a moment that you are hot and sweaty and hating life.  For a moment you could be smiling as Joey Ryan's voice sings you songs and the sounds of a guitar or banjo or piano or a good beat take you away to the beach where you'd be happier.

But then the song ends, you reach the end of the disc or the playlist, and the bubble bursts and you are back in your yard with your feet in the warming pool and the beer in your hand isn't as cool as it should be.  Hit play again.


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