>> Mickey Avalon: Loaded (2012)

Artist: Mickey Avalon

Album: Loaded

Members: Mickey Avalon

Genre: Rap/Hip Hop

Label: Suburban Noize

Tracks: 18

Release Date: April 24, 2012

Discs: 1

Rating: 1.40 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D+

I consider rap as one of the hardest of music to create and perform and even one wrong element will make a bad song. Being able to have rhyming lyrics but beats that don’t match takes away the power of the song. Or having lyrics that try to sound tough but a beat that’s weak will end up being a weak song. Of course this also works for all songs but because rap depends so much on the vocals and lyrics it’s easy to have a bad song and Mickey Avalon has created songs that give lyrics that try to sound tough but without having any power to them.
‘Loaded’ is an album that though is loaded with songs, it’s songs that don’t pack a punch. When I listen to rap I want to feel empowered, I want to feel like I’m part of the song, and I want to just be able to groove to the beat. Mickey Avalon don’t have the vocals for rap. I was hearing too much of his vocals over the beats of the songs but his vocals have no power behind them. As I listened to him talking about the women, how he plays, and the sexual talk I didn’t believe any of it. It don’t matter if everything he says in the lyrics ends up being true, he does not sound believable in the vocals. Mickey Avalon has the power in his vocals as much as a muppet would be doing a rap song.
Maybe if Mickey Avalon had better vocals the songs would have been more enjoyable but I couldn’t get into any of the songs. The way this album plays out is as if Mickey Avalon decided he wanted to do rap even though he just can’t pull it off. Some of the songs have ok beats and rhythms, though the volume of the music is being drowned out by the vocals. I would have rather heard more of the beats than the vocals of Mickey Avalon but this is not the case. It seems that he has went out of his way to make sure everyone knows he’s a guy that lives the life of a rap star but all I hear is a guy that’s trying to sound that way.


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