>> Sexytime:Naked Poetry (2012)

Artist: SexyTime

Album: Naked Poetry

Genre: DJ/Dance, Other

Label: False Idol Musik

Tracks: 6

Release Date: May 1, 2012

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.44 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

‘Naked Poetry,’ it has a ring to it don’t it? Well, I like it as a title for an album and better yet I like the name of the band that has made the album ‘Naked Poetry’, Sexytime. Both the name and title are fun and that fun washes right into the music that’s played on this album. I’ll say the one thing that I didn’t like about it, it’s way too short. There’s only 6 tracks on this, 6 tracks that are played where it left me with wanting more. Which considering that the music of Sexytime is electronic, I was a little surprised at how much I did like it.
When I first listened to it I thought that the reason that I like the songs was from already being in a good mood and working on a project that I was fine with doing a little dance. Then I listened to the songs again in a different setting and found that I still liked them. As I sat down to write this review I tried to figure out what to say by listening to the songs for a third time and came up with the one main reason, the songs are just fun. Each song is packed with a lot of energy, not the kind that makes you feel like you’re going to explode from jirating everywhere but just the robust energy of a song that you feel while listening to it.
The songs have all sorts of sounds that just mesh well with each other. It’s this huge mixture of sounds that might be from video games, the bobs, bleeps, whoops, and every other electronic type sound has been blended into a well mixed set of songs. What I liked even more was that the songs change up the pacing and beats while keeping that same energy that make them fun to listen to. The title of ‘Naked Poetry’ is a good choice for titles because the raw energy sets the mood for the fun coming out of the songs by Sexytime.


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