>> Trent Hancock: Ghostbird (2010)

Artist: Trent Hancock

Album: Ghostbird

Members: Trent Hancock

Genre: Pop, Rock

Label: Independent

Tracks: 6

Release Date: July 27, 2010

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.38 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

Trent Hancock is a nice simple singer-songwriter who hails from Brooklyn, NY, but prefers to record in LA, CA. Hancock offers us his debut six-track EP "Ghostbird" which is a mix of light pop/rock and folk. Trent is both a talented guitarist and heartfelt lyricst. It's easy to imagine any of these songs playing on the radio in the near future.

All the lyrics are happy and uplifting even if the song's story doesn't start out that way. Trent is definitely a positive artist. "Me & You" is my personal favorite. It even reminded me of Randy Newman. Hopeful and happy lyrics with a jaunty piano thrown in. The next strongest track is "I Lost My Way." It has the most potential for radio play with a catchy chorus and great vocals. His high-tenor voice reminds me a little of Jason Mraz--not a bad comparison.

Trent seems to have a penchant for harmony ("Zale") and sites The Beatles as a large influence, among others. If you'd like to follow Mr. Hancock, pleasego to www.trenthancock.com. 2010 tour dates are also listed.


awwww ya!

He's amazing LIVE!

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