>> B-Girl (2010)

Title: B-Girl

Genre: Drama

Starring: Drew Sidora, Missy Yager, Wesley Jonathan, Julie Urich

Director: Emily Dell

Studio: Screen Media

Runtime: 88 minutes

Release Date: January 26, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: PG

Rating: 1.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D

Bonus Features

Bloopers, Dance Auditions, The Battle, Dancer Profiles

Basic story like most of these kind of movies. The person can dance, a setback happens either from a tragedy or a bad life choice, a change in their life happens, they aren’t pleased with it, and right when they are about to give up they discover a way to dance again.

Let me just say thank God there is dancing in this movie. The story is weak, the acting is terrible, the footage is crappy, and the low budget is painfully obvious. In fact the acting is so bad that there are awkward pauses in between lines as actors try to remember lines and make the already shaky story choppy. On top of that while Jules Urich is a fantastic dancer the age they make her is completely unbelievable making any scene between her and her mother hard to focus on as they seem more like sister’s or perhaps even with Jules being older than the mother.

The dancing is the only strong point in this movie. But as with all movies like this I wish that there was more involved. A downside is that for some reason during a dance the camera will cut away from the footwork to focus only on the person’s face. I don’t mind if they span out some showing the whole person but to actually only film the person’s face and not the dancing is stupid.

Truthfully the only reason that this is being released on DVD right now is a sticker right on the case “Featuring Legacy So You Think You Can Dance Top 10”. I will go ahead and tell those that were fans of Legacy (like I was), yes he is in it and yes he has a few lines. But if you are thinking he is a main character you will be let down. He has a decent dance solo come the end of the movie; but other than that you are not going to get much. Honestly if they had just released the dance sequences and the bonus features this would have a much higher grade; but having to shift through the half-assed story and pathetic acting makes it a complete bore.


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