>> Broken Embraces (BLU-RAY) (2010)

Title: Broken Embraces

Genre: Foreign Films

Starring: Penélope Cruz, Lluis Homar, Blanco Portillo, Jose Luis Gomez, Tamar Novas

Director: Pedro Almodóvar

Studio: Sony Pictures Classics

Runtime: 127 minutes

Release Date: March 16, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 3.56 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

 Famous movie director Mateo Blanco (Lluis Homar) has always been fascinated with being someone else, while still remaining true to himself. Thus, he has transformed himself into Harry Caine, a blind director with a lust for his leading ladies. His transformation wasn't out of sheer random act, though. His past love for Lena (Penelope Cruz), an actress he had encountered 14 years ago had driven Mateo to become his new self. Lena had been torn between her money-lending boss, Ernesto and her true love, Mateo. Now, Harry Caine decides to explain his tale of love, deception and loss to his editors' son, Diego. Diego soon learns of all the trouble and pain love can put one through. 


The picture in Broken Embraces is crystal clear for even the simplest of shots. There is a kitchen scene where Lena is chopping up tomatoes that simply blows you away with all the colors shining towards you.  In 1080p, the beaches of Famara seem to be washing right onto your feet. The sound really doesn't do much for the viewer in Blu-Ray, with the exception of said beach scenes where the waves seem to be crashing all around you. Broken Embraces definitely is not the movie you'd expect to be one of the best looking blu ray discs available, but damn does it deliver. 


The only down side to this blu ray disc is the special features. It's not that the features are bad, just that they lack the great vision and drama of the movie. The features include: 

- The Cannibalistic Councillor: a short directed by Pedro Almodovar.

- Deleted Scenes

- Pedro Directs Penelope

-On The Red Carpet: The New York Film Festival Closing Night

-Vairety Q&A With Penlelope Cruz

-The Theatrical Trailer

-Previews of An Education, Volver and more.



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