>> City Island (BLU-RAY) (2010)

Title: City Island

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Andy Garcia, Julianna Margulies, Steven Strait, Alan Arkin, Emily Mortimer

Director: Raymond De Felitta

Studio: Anchor Bay

Runtime: 104 Minutes

Release Date: August 24, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 2

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 4.45 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

Official Site

Family Ties:

Vivian Dominik García-Lorido plays the daughter of Vincent Rizzo (Andy Garcia). Dominik García-Lorido is in fact the daughter of Andy Garcia. She also co-starred alongside her father in The Lost City.

The Rizzo Family of City Island have a lot to hide, from each other. Family head Vince Rizzo (Andy Garcia; The Untouchables, Things To Do In Denver When Your Dead) Correctional Officer, longs to be an actor and takes acting classes in secret. So ashamed of his aspirations Vince would rather his wife (Julianna Margulies; The Good Wife, The Sopranos) believe he’s cheating then admit his passion. Joyce’s bad habits narrow down to smoking and flying into fits of jealous rage. Their son Vince Jr. (Ezra Miller; Royal Pains, Caifornication) has a fetish for feeding overweight women, and their daughter Vivian (Dominik Garcia-Lorido; The Lost City, The Last Goodbye) is suffering from a domino effect concerning College. Despite all those secrets Vince may have the biggest secret of all when he brings home an inmate (Steven Strait; Stop-Loss, Sky High, 10,000 BC) from the prison he works at. This is definitely one of those must see comedies that unfortunately flew under the radar. Also stars Emily Mortimer (The Kid, Shutter Island), Alan Arkin (Little Miss Sunshine, Sunshine Cleaning, Get Smart).

Its been awhile since I’ve reviewed a BD that was this near perfect. 99.9% of the film has that window view look. Clarity is extremely high, everything organic, defined, crisp. There is one scene in the film, a night scene, that is flawed displaying static in the night sky but that’s it. If your new to BD this is one of those discs that I would recommend purchasing not only because the feature is so great but as a sample of what true BD quality should look like. Audio comes in a Dolby Digital 5.1 track and a Dolby PCM 5.1, both work for this film seeing as it’s a dialogue heavy film that doesn’t demand much from your speakers. Non-Audiophiles will find it a satisfactory setting for the audio delivery.

*Audio Commentary with Writer/Producer/Director Raymond De Felitta and Producer/Actor Andy Garcia
*Dinner With The Rizzo’s
*Deleted Scenes
*Digital Copy

Its obvious this film is somewhat of a passion project. Dinner with the Rizzo’s has the director and entire cast sitting down to talk about, not just the film, but their personal experiences as a family, New Yorkers, and thespians. Deleted Scenes are great but its obvious why they were omitted. 




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