>> Cliff and the Shadows: The Final Reunion (2010)

Title: Cliff and the Shadows: The Final Reunion - Live From the 02 Arena in London

Genre: Live Music

Starring: Cliff Richard, Hank Marvin, Bruce Welch, Brian Bennett

Studio: Eagle Rock Media/Fontana

Runtime: 137 minutes

Release Date: January 19, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 4.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

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Cliff Richard is the artist with the third-highest number of #1 hits in the UK after Elvis Presley and The Beatles

This live concert DVD recorded at the O2 Arena in London is filled with hits and career highlights of Cliff and the Shadows. The picture and sound quality are good, but what makes the sound extra great is actually Cliff Richard himself. He does not look and sing like an almost 70 years old man. His voice and stage performance are energetic. The concert includes hits like “Living Doll”, “I Love You”, “Move It”, “Summer Holiday” as well as the new single “Singing the Blues”. Cliff also plays an acoustic guitar in “Travellin’ Light” and “Time Drags By” together with his backing band The Shadow’s Hank Marvin and Bruce Welch. Their voices and the three guitars harmonize flawlessly. The concert is not only about Cliff Richard, and there are several chapters where he steps back and lets The Shadows show off their talents. The Shadows’ “Sleepwalk” and “Apache” are excellent instrumental pieces. 
Cliff and his bandmates perform more than 40 songs in this one concert. Therefore, this DVD is definitely worth equal to, if not more than, a compilation album. When they pick up microphones and instruments, they are absolutely ageless and superb musicians. Cameras show the packed O2 Arena and the audience, young and old, singing along, clapping, cheering and connecting with Cliff and the Shadows through the songs.
If you are a fan of good old Rock’n Roll and Rockabilly but have not heard too many songs of Cliff Richard and/or the Shadows, definitely check this out. For those who grew up listening to their music, watching this DVD will be like taking a stroll down memory lane. The DVD also includes a brief “behind the scenes” segment with interviews that is not to be missed.

DVD Extras: Exclusive Behind The Scenes


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