>> Coach (2010)

Title: Coach

Genre: Drama

Starring: Hugh Dancy, David Zayas, Mamie Gummer, Gillian Jacobs, Liane Balaban

Director: Will Frears

Studio: Lions Gate

Runtime: 87 minutes

Release Date: June 8, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 2.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C

Nick is a complete slacker living off a trust fund, living for no one else but himself, no career, no drive. It’s a wonderful life. That is until Nick’s live in girlfriend Zoe suggests a split while she travels to Hollywood to star in a film that will boost her to stardom. The split a product of Nick’s selfish lifestyle. With the help of his friends Nick finds a job managing a soccer team to prove that he can be responsible to Zoe, all the while establishing a bond between one troubled little boy with exceptional soccer talent, and before long realizes there is more to life them himself. Written by Will Frears and Jason Pugatch and directed by Will Frears.

Despite what other critics have said about the film Hugh Dancy is no Hugh Grant and the parallels between this film and Grant’s Paul and Chris Weitz directed 2002 About A Boy are large and obvious. Both star a slacker living off a trust fund who create a bond with a little boy from a troubled family and both are having relationship issues with the opposite sex. One scene in particular from Coach where Dancy takes said troubled youth Jonathan Gutierrez to the shoe store to buy him some shoes is straight out of About A Boy with a few twists and turns. Combine that with possibly a parallel with the 2001 Keanu Revees film Hardball, only lighter, and you’ve got this movie down. Not entirely unoriginal but nothing that’s going to blow your mind intellectually. It just needed to draw a line in the sand to show its audience that it was in fact a film meant for grown ups. Its not Bad Santa but when it comes down to growth its trapped somewhere between The Mighty Ducks and a weaker unconfident version of About A Boy.


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