>> Devil (BLU-RAY) (2010)

Title: Devil

Genre: Horror

Starring: Chris Messina, Geoffrey Arend, Logan Marshall-Green, Bojana Novakovic, Jacob Vargas

Director: John Erick Dowdle

Studio: Universal Pictures

Runtime: 80 minutes

Release Date: December 21, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

Rating: 2.40 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

Official Site


The inspiration for the film comes from the folktale "The Devils Meeting" in which the Devil roams the earth in human form torturing the living. The film also mentions the folktale. ~IMDB

Devil is part one in a trilogy of horror stories (of course) titled the Night Chronicles. Take a handful of people and trap them in an elevator with no way out, oh, and the Devil is in there killing them one by one. Its an interesting premise that harkens back to the HBO Monster Features or Tales From The Crypt series. It’s a morality tale at best that lingers slowly off into obscurity and isn’t helped much by the acting but at least the Blu-Ray transfer is a note worthy one.

Like the storyline Devil’s Blu-Ray transfer is a bit gloomy and you have to judge for yourself weather the softness of some scenes are on purpose or if this is just a chink in the armor for this particular BD. For the most part it all looks good. Skin tone is excellent, close up shots reveal extremely clear definition, and grain plays very little part in the overall. Personally, as is, the texture of the films transfer gives it a more cinematic appeal. The clarity is Blu-Ray all the way but the imperfections that exist within the black levels give the film an ominous presence that may or may not have been intended. Your just going to have to decide for yourself weather or not your going to be picky and demand the highest amount of clarity and color definition or if have a slight imperfect look about its picture heightens the edge of your seat feeling the film offers for the first thirty minutes or so. After that complain all you want.

Audio is magnificently proper utilizing the familiar loud soft loud formula that’s been a mainstay in almost all of M. Knight Shymalan’s films (even though this is only a story by Shymalan which is directed by John Erick Dowdle who also directed Quarantine). Bass can be a bit heavy at times but dialogue manages to pull through just fine (regrettably in some cases) and when the lights go down and there’s a tussle in the elevator the surround sound factors in well.

*Deleted Scenes: There are three character intro’s that didn’t make the cut and for good reason. In any case their not going to add any enlightenment to your viewing experience either way.  
*The Story: Just as you would have expected we get a rushed little 411 on how the story came to light.
*The Devil’s Meeting
*The Night Chronicles
*D-BOX Motion Enabled
*Digital Copy
Overall the Bonus Features found here are weak at best.


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