>> Dio: Holy Diver Live (BLU-RAY) (2010)

Title: Dio: Holy Diver Live

Edition: Blu-Ray

Genre: Live Music

Starring: Dio

Studio: Eagle Records (Fontana)

Runtime: 126 minutes

Release Date: October 12, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

Rating: 1.84 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

Special Features


On this Blu-Ray live concert performance, Dio plays at the Astoria Theatre in London. With this concert the band Dio plays the entire album Holy Diver songs. According to the pamphlet that comes along with the Blu-Ray, the lead singer Ronnie James Dio did not like the idea of playing a whole album at a concert when all it does is limit the band to what they can sing when there could be more songs they could do. However he does end up liking the idea because there are songs that the band had never played live that come from the album of Holy Diver (which ones I’m not sure because this is the first time I’ve ever heard the band and seen them).

Being that this was the first time I was listening to the band it had to be while watching the concert. For me getting to see some of the people that went to the concert is something I really don’t want to see or need to see. Also with most concerts that are recorded the camera cuts are fast, so that the different camera views are going between each other pretty quickly, it’s just annoying to me when this is done. There’s also some shaking cameras and times when the shots are out of focus making the shots blurry. There’s a few times that the cuts where timed wrong, like when the camera was zooming in or out, just these little mistakes were not helping with watching the concert. Though, the quality of the Blu-Ray is really good. All the flashing lights and colors are vibrant and clear and when the shot is in focus it’s stands out well.

Though since this is a concert there is the music. Again, I never had any knowledge of the band so I wasn’t quite sure what I was going to be hearing after I saw the cover to the Blu-Ray. I did figure it was going to be some heavy metal or possible punk metal. Dio is a heavy metal or hair band, possibly more like a hardcore band. In any case I wasn’t quite enjoying the songs. It was the vocals that I couldn’t get into with the songs. Ronnie James Dio has a strong voice, it didn’t break up or go off pitch any that I heard, but though he has a voice for singing, he didn’t have the energy of the songs. His voice was not making me want to feel the songs or throw my hands up in the air to rock out with them.

If it wasn’t for the instruments being played I would have become bored with Holy Diver Live really fast. The best part of the whole Blu-Ray concert was the drum solo. Sadly though, this drum solo is near the beginning of the concert making me listen to the rest of the songs waiting for that kind of energy to happen in the vocals. The guitar riffs are pure heavy metal as well as the drums, but these are the only parts that I liked from the concert.




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