>> Discovering Hamlet (2011)

Title: Discovering Hamlet

Genre: Documentary

Starring: Kenneth Branagh, Derek Jacobi, Sophie Thompson, Richard Clifford, Susan Coates

Director: Mark Olshaker

Studio: Athena

Runtime: 253 minutes

Release Date: February 1, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 2

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 3.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

From The Royal Shakespeare Company to The Renaissance Theatre Company

In 1987 Kenneth Branagh left The Royal Shakespeare Company to co-found The Renaissance Theatre Company with David Parfitt, who has produced films such as "Shakespeare in Love"

Filmed in 1988 and aired on PBS in 1990, this is a documentary about the making of Hamlet for the Renaissance Theatre Company at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre. If you have seen Kenneth Branagh’s 1996 film version of Hamlet, yes, that film is based on this stage play.
Even though this is his debut for directing Hamlet, Derek Jacobi has played the lead role on stages, in film and on TV hundreds of times long before Branagh. Therefore, he supplies a certain amount of style and creative approach in his direction. Also, this Shakespeare tragic tale of the Prince of Denmark is the very first time for Branagh to play Hamlet. The four weeks of rigorous rehearsals show young Branagh’s eagerness to learn, which are further enhanced by teaming up with a veteran and celebrated actor like Derek Jacobi. Branagh’s ability to focus on lines, clear and versatile voice, clarity of expressions and emotions, and body movements are well-displayed in this play. They do disagree, they do express anger, and they do show frustration, but in the end their love for Shakespeare and their passion to make a great theatrical performance unite them.
Besides the interactions between the two talented actors, this behind-the-scenes documentary also takes the viewers to cast meetings, script read-throughs, costume rehearsal, and even the opening night party. Oh, yes, the documentary is narrated by another notable actor who has appeared in the Royal Shakespeare Company productions, Patrick Stewart.
With Derek Jacobi directing, Kenneth Branagh in the title role, and narration by Patrick Stewart, you will see how this great Shakespeare play is created in four weeks. Unfortunately, this set does not include the play itself, but it is still worth to see Branagh learning a brand new character and transforming it into one of his more memorable roles. The second disc is entirely dedicated to bonus features, and more than three hours of extensive extras themselves definitely offer an extended value for the purchase or rental price. I recommend this set to aspiring actors and playwrights as well as to any Shakespeare fan.
Bonus Features:
Exclusive interview with Derek Jacobi; Bonus disc with behind-the-scenes footage, cast and crew interviews, and extended production interview with Jacobi; 12-page viewers guide with an introduction by director Mark Olshaker, a history of the Renaissance Theatre Company, critical reactions to the production, and an article on Hamlet’s textual challenges; Hamlets through the ages profiles; Cast biographies; Patrick Stewart biography; Photo gallery


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