>> Doctor Zhivago (BLU-RAY) (2010)

Title: Doctor Zhivago

Edition: Anniversary Edition

Genre: Classics, Drama

Starring: Julie Christie, Omar Sharif

Director: David Lean

Studio: Warner Bros.

Runtime: 200 Minutes

Release Date: May 4, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 2

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 2.94 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-


Despite being one of the most reconizable Russian-set films of all time, Doctor Zhivago was not shown in Russia until 1994.

Movies from the 60s generally don't lend themselves to the high definition format very well, especially those that were already set in a time period before technology really existed.  But, is Doctor Zhivago any different?

Nope, the picture is grainy and blurry at times and just doesn't really transfer all that well.  Despite that, it's still a better quality cut of the film than any that has been previously released.


Commentary, a 20-page attached book, 2-part "retrospective", documentary, featurettes, trailer and an 8-track soundtrack CD.

The bonus features are exactly what fans of this movie will want to see; in-depth dissection of the movie and a behind-the-scenes look.  The documentary drags a little bit and, at times, feels as long as the movie (it is an hour long), the vintage featurettes are a great treat but the biggest issue I have with this release is a vain one; the case is a few centimeters larger than a Blu-Ray case.  Sounds petty but it's annoying because it doesn't have to be that way and for anyone with custom shelves, it just doesn't fly.

Doctor Zhivago is also Available On Demand and For Download (in HD and Remastered on iTunes: http://bit.ly/Film_Zhivago)


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