>> Emerson, Lake & Palmer: Pictures at an Exhibition (2010)

Title: Emerson, Lake & Palmer: Pictures at an Exhibition

Edition: Special Edition

Genre: Live Music

Starring: Keith Emerson, Greg Lake, Carl Palmer

Studio: Eagle Records (Fontana)

Runtime: 144 minutes

Release Date: July 27, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

Rating: 0.88 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D-

Was I sent through a time warp? It sure feels that way after watching the DVD Pictures at an Exhibition by the band Emerson, Lake, & Palmer. Who are Emerson, Lake, & Palmer? I really don’t know but according to the inside booklet that came along with the DVD they are one of the few bands that are great. I won’t give the exact wording that’s given cause it just makes me laugh. How Emerson, Lake, & Palmer can be described as so good is beyond me.

While more commonly known as ELP, the group consists of 3 members, Keith Emerson on the keyboards, Carl Palmer on drums, and Greg Lake doing guitar, bass, and vocals. Though I got to tell you now that the vocals are so few and far between that you forget that there was actually any done before just then.

Going back to my opening statement of feeling like I went through time, that would be the whole DVD. First thing you notice on Pictures at an Exhibition is the style of clothes the band is wearing. One has on a outfit that’s blue, shiny, and looks more like foil then clothes, while not wearing a shirt. Then another looks like he is the poster child for 70’s clothing. To top this off there are the special effects. If you have ever looked through a kaleidoscope then you know what this effect is. There are all sorts of crazy, whacked out color schemes going on through this video that makes it so 70’s that it’s funny. Though it got old really fast and I was just wanting to watch the DVD without feeling like I was going into some sort of seizure or had been slipped some sort of drug.

But as bad as watching the DVD was, listening to it was even worse. Not only did I feel like I went back in time with looks but the sound of it made me feel like I was 16 again and I was hanging out with some friends in their parents garage. ELP has a sound like a high school band that was trying to make some songs that was supposed to be new, ground breaking, and never experienced before. Only all they made was some sounds that didn’t sound like a professional band that’s supposed to be one of the few rare bands. After the hour and half of the main concert I felt like I had just sat through 5 hours of  noise that wasn’t entertaining at all.

Then there are the special features, which is another 52 minutes worth. There’s the interview with the band, again just as boring really as the concert was. These guys just even give interviews like they are in high school. There are also some more songs being played in the special features, one in which is called the Nutrocker, the only song that I liked out of all that I heard off this DVD. Maybe if this was the 70’s or I was a teenager or if maybe somehow I was whacked out of mind I might, could have, liked Pictures at an Exhibition, but it’s not, I’m not, and I wasn’t, so I didn’t.


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