>> Ice Quake (BLU-RAY) (2012)

Title: Ice Quake

Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Suspense

Starring: Brendan Fehr, Victor Garber, Holly Dignard, Jodelle Ferland

Director: Paul Ziller

Studio: Anchor Bay

Runtime: 90 Minutes

Release Date: January 3, 2012

Format: BLU-RAY

MPAA Rating: PG

Rating: 1.82 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

Bonus Features

Trailer, Making Of

While taking his family up to the mountains for a Christmas tree, geologist Michael Webster (played by Brendan Fehr) learns about some tremors that are hitting Alaska. Thought at first to be due to some events going on in Russia, and the military learn that these tremors are going to be something completely different and very dangerous to anyone in the area. Tremors, avalanches, rips in the ground, Michael and even cracks in the ground ravage the landscape leaving a trail of death and destruction. No one knows what is causing the Earth to lash out with such furious force nor what they can do to stop it, all they can do is try to find a place to stay out of the way of certain frozen death.

Ever want to watch a movie that makes no sense at all? If so then go pick up Ice Quake because this movie starts off with me asking the question why and shaking my head in utter disbelief. It’s not the story that don’t make sense, it’s pretty easy to follow, mysterious quakes hit a town in Alaska on Christmas Eve that has all the geologist and military wondering what the cause is. Each passing minute the tremors get worse until giant fissures are being opened in the ground that release gases that are so cold it freezes anything it touches instantly. As all this is happening a family, the main characters of the story, are trapped on the mountain with all the tremors, quakes, fissures, gases, and avalanches, have to figure out a way to stay alive while waiting on any help they can get coming from Colonel Bill Hughes (played by Victor Garber).

What makes no sense is having the main characters, Michael, his wife, daughter, son, and pet dog go up into the mountains to hunt for a Christmas tree. I know that sounds like it would make sense if they were doing this before learning about the quakes but guess what, Michael, the geologists, knows that there are quakes hitting the mountains yet he still takes his family up in the mountains. Call me crazy but I think if there where quakes hitting a place all day long I wouldn’t be going there. This is not the only time this kind of thing happens in the story, they keep sending people up there to look for the others in the mountains, along with a ski lodge staying open, yet no one seems to be evacuated. Though I got to say that all these stupid plot points to keep the story going or in the case of having the character Michael and his family in the mountains, there wouldn’t be a story for a movie. Granted, it’s not the smartest story, it’s plot is one that is taking nature and turning it against us, nothing new and for most part works, and it kind of does with this only because of how lame the movie is.

The only actor in this movie that does a semi believable performance is Victor Garber. It’s not that greatest performance but he does make his character have some realism instead of that I’m just speaking some lines that I have memorized. I can’t say the same for most of the other cast members, especially the children, who do sound like they are just speaking lines that they have memorized. Making this movie look bad though is the really horrible CGI being used to show all the fissures and cracks that open in the ground. Who knew that when frozen ground covered in snow cracks open the edges of it will be completely flat with sharp edges and points, pretty much looking like someone drawing a zig-zag line. Ice Quake turned out to be a pretty lame movie yet it’s one of those lame movies that is fun to watch. I was laughing pretty much the whole time, I even yelled out at my tv some phrases like “watch out it’s an Ice Quake” and “oh no it’s an Ice Quake”.

Ice Quake is corny, it’s lame, and it’s on Blu Ray that allows the beautiful scenery and landscape of the mountains stand out. There is a lot grain that pops up in the picture quality but the white areas, which there are a lot considering all the snow in this movie, they look good and shows how beautiful the snow capped mountains can be. Though I did like that the audio levels where clear and high enough that I had to turn down my volume. What’s disappointing on this Blu Ray is that there are only 2 special features, well technically only one because one is the trailer. With this movie being what it is I would figure there had been a lot of material that could have been used as a blooper or gag reel but sadly it’s not on here.


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