>> Made for Each Other (2010)

Title: Made for Each Other

Genre: Comedy, Romantic

Starring: Patrick Warburton, Samm Levine, Danny Masterson, Bijou Phillips, Christopher Masterson

Director: Daryl Goldberg

Studio: IFC Independent Film

Runtime: 96 minutes

Release Date: August 31, 2010

Format: DVD

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 0.93 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D-

Dan (Christopher Masterson) has done the worst thing in the world; he cheated on his wife, Marcy (Bijou Phillips). Not only that but his did it with her sister of all people. Now, in an effort to make her just as guilty, he gets some random guy to have sex with her so they are on equal grounds. Sounds like a match made in heaven, right?

The film is a disaster from the beginning. It's been a while since I've seen Masterson in anything but he remains just as he was on Malcolm in the Middle. He actually somewhat reminds me of Neil Patrick Harris, only less cool of course. Him and Phillips make an awkward couple to begin with. The entire film is filled with these awkward moments where someone attempts humor but doesn't succeed.

I was hoping that Patrick Warburton, the guy hired to sleep with Marcy, would bring some laughs but his performance is just as dismal as the rest of the cast. Just to give you an idea about how bad it is, think of Waterworld. Then think of turning that into a musical. Yeah, that's actually part of the film.

Towards the end of Made for Each Other, things become simply ridiculous. I'll spare you the boring details but by that point, you won't really care any more about who screwed who (both literally and figuratively). While it's clear that Dan and Marcy were made for each other, I'm still clueless as to who this movie was made for...

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