>> Megadeth: Rust in Peace Live (BLU-RAY) (2010)

Title: Megadeth: Rust in Peace Live

Genre: Live Music

Starring: Dave Mustaine, David Ellefson, Chris Broderick, Shawn Drover

Director: Kerry Asmussen

Studio: Shout Factory!

Runtime: 90 minutes

Release Date: September 7, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

Rating: 2.91 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

Official Site

Special Features

Behind the scenes and extended performance.

Another concert on another Blu Ray is out. This time it’s Megadeath Rust in Peace Live. Megadeath is a heavy metal hair band that has been around since the 80’s. They are the definition of a metal hair band and they rock it for an hour and half to prove that they are. The show was performed at the Hollywood Palladium and was a sold out show. This concert was the last of the tour they did for their 20th anniversary to celebrate the album Rust in Peace that they brought out in 1990.

This is one of the metal bands that I’ve been a hit and miss with over the years. I’ve liked some of their songs but I’ve known who they are. Comparing this to 20 years ago when the group was younger, I don’t really hear much of a difference in the songs. Even this being a concert I really didn’t hear much of a vocal strain on the lead singers voice, Dave Mustaine. His vocals are strong though they are sometimes sounding like his is trying to make this deep raspy voice on purpose. If so it works with the songs and it’s not being done so much so that it sounds like he has some loud sore throat.

From the start of the concert till the end and then with the extra songs performed, Megadeath rocked their concert. The songs are fast, not like speed metal, but just fast and hard hitting. It’s hard not to want to do some head banging while having hands in the air while listening to these songs. The riffs are hard and have a ton of energy put behind them. Because these are the songs from the 1990 album it has the sound from the 80’s metal in them. This might bring back some memories for some and for some new, which I saw in the audience, this will introduce them to what true heavy metal bands are.

This is one of the better concerts that I’ve watched, even with only semi liking the songs I still enjoyed it. The songs are intense, they’re played good, they are fun songs to listen to, and if needing to be pumped up for something these song will help do just that. Along with all that there’s the quality of the video. With each concert that I see on Blu Ray I get more impressed at how crisp and clear the video is. I’m a person that prefers to being there than to watching it at home concert but if I had to I’m going with the Blu Ray to watch at home. As clear as the video is on this concert and the sound being just as sharp, it just might beat being there. It’s definitely cheaper, quicker, and I didn’t have anyone jumping on me. If I had surround sound, some flashing colored lights, and some smoke I would bet this would feel just like being there, that’s just how clear and sharp the sound and picture is with this Blu Ray. My only grip with this was the special features were only the bonus songs performed and a very short 8 minutes behind the scenes of the concert. Come on people as an video-grapher and editor myself I know there is a lot more footage to be used for the behind the scenes feature, so why not use it? 



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