>> My Sucky Teen Romance (BLU-RAY) (2012)

Title: My Sucky Teen Romance

Genre: Comedy, Horror, Romantic, Teen

Starring: Devin Bonnee, Santiago Dietche

Director: Emily Hagins

Studio: MPI Home Video

Runtime: 77 Minutes

Release Date: September 4, 2012

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 2.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C

Official Site

What can I say about My Sucky Teen Romance? It attempts to play itself as a low key cult classic parody of the vampire craze going on as if its attempt at mocking the trend is a rebellion. It’s really not. It’s your classic boy meets girl, boy turns to vampire, eccentric friends try to diffuse the situation and love ensues after a seemingly overdramatic sacrifice. The difference is that this film was written and directed by an 18 year old who can only muster enough credibility from her cast to match the quality of a High School theatre performance and it was done on what appears to be high end AV Club gear, not that it makes much of a difference.

This is a low budget film so there’s really not much point in stating the obvious. The BD transfer suffers from its limitations in filming gear. Mostly high end over the counter stuff, a lack of lightning know how, and a pretty closed off environment. Most of the film takes place in a hotel, the environment switching from a lights on/lights off, whatever’s illuminating the room light source. There is some small doses of grain, shadow, aliasing, but definition wise it’s decent, though I wouldn’t suggest expecting a high end film quality from this camp feature.

Audio is decent. Not much by way of soundtrack highlights or special effects. It is a basic dialogue driven film, though driven is debatable with the execution given by a majority of the actors involved. The audio track pretty much stays in par with the overall quality of the BD from start to finish though.

~Audio Commentary
~Behind The Scenes: I kind of have to give respect to film making prodigy Emily Hagins as she recaps on who this film is made for and why. She seems very down to Earth about the whole thing.
~Deleted Scene
~Cupcakes: A short film and without a doubt the only thing on the BD that I absolutely loved.
~Blooper Reel




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