>> On The Inside (2012)

Title: On The Inside

Starring: Nick Stahl, Olivia Wilde, Dash Mihok, Pruitt Taylor Vince

Director: D.W. Brown

Studio: Mike Wittlin Productions

Runtime: 95 Minutes

Release Date: July 24, 2012

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

Rating: 2.79 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

 On The Inside is a prison movie starring a guy who is jailed for killing a man who he thought raped his girlfriend.  Ok, so that was a lot of information to take in on the first sentence.  Let me break it down!
The movie stars Nick Stahl.  Allen is his character name and we see him at the beginning of the movie defending the honor of his girlfriend in his own way; he kills a guy he presumes raped his girlfriend.  Well, come to find out, the guy was innocent and his victim was not the person who raped his girlfriend. 
He is in maximum security prison now. After a prison board interview, he is moved to a minimal security prison where we are provided flashbacks of his childhood up until present time.  The movie portrays how as a child, he kills his brother by pushing him off of a roof after being teased by him.  So, you see glimpse of the fact Allen seems to be indeed a certified killer and he deserves to be in prison.
The movie overall was pretty slow.  It’s not until the last 15 minutes or so that you even understand what the entire movie is about.  Not good when the average person would have turned the movie off or left the theater before it got to those 15 minutes.  You know the average consumer’s attention span is worse than a child!!!  That’s beside the point…
I would recommend the movie just to see if you get that small little morsel of what the moral of the story is.  


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