>> One Way (2009)

Title: One Way

Genre: Suspense

Starring: Til Schweiger, Michael Clarke Duncan, Eric Roberts, Lauren Lee Smith

Director: Reto Salimbeni

Studio: Umvd/Visual Entertainment

Runtime: 116 minutes

Release Date: July 14, 2009

Format: DVD

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 1.36 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D+

Eddie Snyder (Til Schweiger) has everything. He has a beautiful girlfriend to who he just proposed and just became the partner in a highly sucessful advertising company. Then, in one quick movement, all the joy is gone and he is thrown into a world filled with cheating, revenge, and deceit.

After friend and co-worker Angelina is raped by the founders son, Anthony, Eddie lies in the court of law to save his position in the company. The fact that he is blackmailed by Anthony further contributes to his isolation from everyone though his deceit. Things begin to snowball when the truth starts coming out and people are judged for their deeds. 

In this film, everyone is a bad guy. At one point or another, they are are the victim too. You don't really feel apologetic towards any of the characters, and if you do, it's only for a brief moment before they turn on someone else. Schweiger and his heavy German accent hurt One Way more than it help it. There are points where his lines butcher the English language yet somehow they made it into the film. 

Another negative aspect are the bonus features, of which there are none. Normally this wouldn't be such a big deal but when the back of the DVD state a sneak peek at Far Cry and Alone in the Dark 2, you expect those. Strangely, they were nowhere to be found on the disc.

For a film with three rape scenes, One Way is for more of a shock value than anything. It's not that fun to watch and something I was looking forward too (just to see how bad Uwe Boll butchered the films), isn't there. Talk about a major let down.


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